Soft plastics will be collected for recycling at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Pleasant Street, Saturday, July 16, 11 a.m. to 2 pm. (Courtesy photo)
Soft plastics will be collected for recycling at the Unitarian Universalist Church on Pleasant Street, Saturday, July 16, 11 a.m. to 2 pm. (Courtesy photo)
LACONIA — More than a ton of plastic bags have been recycled thanks to the combined efforts of the Unitarian Universalist Green Sanctuary Committee and the Laconia Gilford Lion’s Club. The project continues with a collection on Saturday, July 16, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Unitarian Universalist Society of Laconia, the little white church, 172 Pleasant Street.
All kinds of clean plastic bags can be recycled to create useful products. With the assistance of Hannaford’s Grocery in Gilford, collected plastics are delivered to TREX Corporation, in Maine where it is recycled and made into decking, outdoor furniture and other items using this material.
Material accepted includes plastic grocery bags, vegetable bags, bubble wrap, newspaper sleeves, bread bags, air packing bags, dry cleaning bags, wood pellet bags, ice bags, cereal box liners and plastic films labeled with #2 or #4 recycle symbols. Keeping this non-compostable material out of our landfills helps reduce the environmental and monetary cost of waste disposal.
Enthusiasm for these collections has grown in the Laconia and surrounding communities. To provide greater convenience and increase recycling, several organizations maintain collection boxes for plastic bags to be recycled. These include Laconia High School’s Interact Club, Taylor and Wesley Woods Communities, Hannaford’s Grocery in Gilford and St Vincent dePaul’s and Prescott Farms. If your organization would like to participate, consult Inez Andrews at 978-317-0843 for information. TREX makes decking, outdoor furniture and other items using this material.
Material accepted includes plastic grocery bags, vegetable bags, bubble wrap, newspaper sleeves, bread bags, air packing bags, dry cleaning bags, wood pellet bags, ice bags, cereal box liners and plastic films labeled with #2 or #4 recycle symbols. Keeping this non-compostable material out of our landfills helps reduce the environmental and monetary cost of waste disposal.
To provide greater convenience and increase recycling, several organizations maintain collection boxes for plastic bags to be recycled. These include Laconia High School’s Interact Club, Taylor and Wesley Woods Communities, Hannaford’s Grocery in Gilford and Prescott Farm. If your organization would like to participate, consult,, or
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